Transform Your Water
Instruments for Cleaner, Safer, More Efficient Production
Transform Your Water
Instruments for Cleaner, Safer, More Efficient Production

About Aster
With over two decades of experience, Aster has been a luminary name in the water treatment industry since 1996. Our unwavering commitment to delivering personalized solutions.

'Water' - The Key to Survival
A vital component for all living beings, essential for sustaining life and supporting the delicate balance of our ecosystem, water’s significance cannot be overstated. Acting as a permanent habitat for humans and countless species on Earth, it is a key source of nutrients and minerals nourishing all life.This ‘universal solvent’ is the very life force maintaining the delicate equilibrium of the ecosystem necessary to sustain the community on the planet.

Water is a Mirror of Nature
Rapid depletion elevates the level of freshwater demand. Wastewater reclamation or reuse is one of the most important necessities of the current scenario. Being at the heart of adaptation to climate change, serving as the crucial link between the climate system, human society and the environment, water is a finite resource that is fundamental to human well-being. A vital resource for improving populations’ health, welfare and productivity, it is central to the production and preservation of a host of benefits and services for humanity.
Water is a Mirror of Nature
Rapid depletion elevates the level of freshwater demand. Wastewater reclamation or reuse is one of the most important necessities of the current scenario.

Our Products

We take pride in being at the forefront of innovation in the water-treatment industry, and our commitment to excellence makes us the trendsetters in our domain, delivering cutting-edge designs and products that stand the test of time.

New Age
We constantly push the boundaries of delivering top-notch products and top-of-the-line facilities, setting higher benchmarks through the innovation of our products and services. Our unparalleled expertise deliver bespoke water treatment solutions maintaining a high customer satisfaction quotient

Solution Focussed
Our approach as a solution provider lies in the core water treatment knowledge we have gained over the last three decades, understanding the imperative need for clean and safe water. With a hands-on team in place, we are committed to staying up-to-date on the latest technologies delivering cost-effective solutions that meet each client’s unique needs.

Community Water Projects
Supplied Water dispensers with quality parameter display to New Delhi Metro Corporation(NMDC)
Supplied Water dispensers, Control panels along with the recharging system to Govt. of Karnataka through different OEMs
Supplied Water dispensers, Control panels to different Gram Panchayats in Maharashtra through different OEM
Dhaka Wasa - Bangladesh
Supplied water along with remote monitoring and recharge facility to Drinkwell, based in Dhaka Wasa- Bangladesh water projects.
Rajasthan - Community Projects
Supplied Control Panels, Water dispensers with remote monitoring to Rajasthan Government PHED & IRCTC projects through various OEMs
Our Partners