
About Us

Aster has been providing exceptional service to the water treatment industry since 1996. Our innovative approach has made technology hassle-free and accessible for all. Our tailored products range from monitoring to control and are designed to automate water treatment needs. For 25 years, we have been simplifying water treatment operations through innovative technologies and customized solutions that optimize plant performance.

Quality is our driving force, and we have revolutionized the Indian water treatment market by providing technologically advanced products tailored to customer needs. Our strict quality control measures ensure every product is traceable to National standards, coupled with extensive support through our comprehensive dealer network. 

Our Values

Domain Knowledge & Expertise

High Standard of



Well being of Team & Stakeholders


Well being of Team & Stakeholders

High Standard of Excellence

Domain Knowledge & Expertise

Preserving the Environment


Our Vision

To serve customers globally by providing high quality products & customized solutions in automation & monitoring, using new technologies.

Our Services

Our approach at Aster is to offer standard solutions wherever required, while also providing individual adjustments where specific challenges require unique solutions. This allows us to cater to a wide range of customers and their varying needs, ensuring that they receive the best possible outcome for their water treatment requirements.

Our measurement and automation technology is designed to provide the best possible precision and service life.

Customized Solutions/ Turn-key solutions

As a brand, Aster has garnered a reputation for its wide range of products and services that are tailored to meet the unique needs and applications of our clients. Our commitment to providing easy-to-use technology through our instruments has earned us recognition in the industry.

Our Features

International Quality Products

Competitive Pricing

Strong Sales & Service Network

Customized Products for Specific Requirements

Application Based Technical Support

Personalized Labeling Option

Quality Assurance

Excellence of precision lies in the detail. Quality is an essential element in the success of any company. To maintain this constantly is a complex & challenging task, and that’s why we offer our services in the domain of QA.

Quality Policy

  • We at Aster Technologies and Controls LLP are committed to serve customers globally by providing high quality products and customized solutions in automation and monitoring, using new technologies.
  • We are committed to satisfaction of all stake holder’s and continual improvement in product, process and QMS.
  • We are also committed to satisfy all applicable requirements.

A Drop Above the Rest!

There are myriad factors that go into creating water treatment consulting solutions. Driven by the spirit of innovation, coupled with valuable insights, we understand that each business is unique and comes with its challenges. Our primary focus is to provide customized solutions for unique business challenges, not just settling for a one-size-fits-all approach.

With top-notch measurement and automation technology, our consulting services boast of both precision and a long-lasting service life. Our experts have helped multiple organizations address their water treatment challenges by helping them make informed decisions about their water treatment protocols, ensuring an efficient, effective, and safe water treatment solution, non-hazardous to the environment as well.

Our Team


Mr. Pankaj Mathur

With a rich experience of over 25 years in the field of water treatment, Mr. Mathur established Aster in 1996 after working as Head of Standard Plant division at Thermax Ltd. Having done his chemical engineering from IIT Kanpur (1986), he started his career as a trainee engineer in the process heat division of the prestigious Thermax Ltd. After serving in Thermax for about 10 years, he conceptualized an Instrumentation and Automation Company for the then nascent field of water treatment. He changed the norm of importing expensive instruments, by offering completely indigenized products, tailor made for the Indian environment. Characterized as a visionary leader, skilled in driving initiatives to build organizational infrastructure in a dynamic global environment Mr. Mathur prefers to lead by example and has extensive experience in working with diverse cultural backgrounds. Mr. Pankaj Mathur heads the entire management of Aster, a business which is one of India’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of instruments, panels & controllers for water & waste water treatment.

Juhi Mathur’s unwavering commitment to our company’s culture and people is inspirational. As a Director, she has been instrumental in accelerating our performance and growth by shaping our strategic agenda and leading the support teams of Aster Technology. With a Master’s in Architecture from SPA Delhi and a Bachelor’s degree from NIT Bhopal, Juhi has also completed an advanced business educational program with Goldman Sachs, facilitated by ISB Hyderabad. Her leadership abilities are unparalleled, and she always goes above and beyond to ensure the success of our company. When asked about her role, Juhi’s response, “whatever it takes,” encapsulates her dedication and determination to achieve excellence.

Mrs. Juhi Mathur


Mr. Aman Mathur

Aman Mathur is an accomplished leader who has made significant contributions in the field of Business Development and IoT. His passion for sustainability, quality, and experience is truly inspiring, and he holds a degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from BITS Pilani. Aman’s extensive experience and exposure in L&T Automation, Dubai, and Spotflock, an AI startup in Hyderabad, has enabled him to develop his expertise in IoT and Business Development. With his meticulous attention to detail and ability to deliver results, Aman sets an example for aspiring BITSians and young professionals all around the world.


Mr. Nilesh Tandale

(Head-Customer solutions)

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Mr. Kailash Kusalkar

(Production Incharge)

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Mr. Nikhilesh R Jumplu

(Supply Chain Manager)

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Mr. Mayur Gosavi

(Manager-Sales & Marketing)

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Mrs. Kalyani Pradip Khetale

(Accounts Head)

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Mr. Deepak Kamble 

(Store Incharge)

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Dr. Ashwini Abhijit Tarale

(Assistant HR Manager)

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Mr. Madhav Bhalke

(Production Incharge)

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Kailash Kusalkar

Production Incharge

Total Years of Experience : 23 Years
Total Years of Experience
(In Aster) :
23 Years
Qualification : HSC
Expertise : Production Planning and Control, R&D, On-time Delivery

Nikhilesh R Jumplu

Supply Chain Manager

Total Years of Experience : 15 Years
Total Years of Experience
(In Aster) :
13 Years
Qualification : MBA (Operations)
Expertise : Procurement/Supply Chain Management
Certifications : PG In Digital Supply Chain Management Ind 4.0/ Sap Mm Rev 6/ Data Analytics

Mayur Gosavi

Sales & Marketing

Total Years of Experience : 15+ Years
Total Years of Experience
(In Aster) :
12 Years
Qualification : MBA (Marketing)
Expertise : CRM, Export Sales, Digital Marketing, Dealer Management

Kalyani Pradeep Khetale

Accounts Head

Total Years of Experience : 15+ Years
Total Years of Experience
(In Aster) :
12 Years
Qualification : B.com, GDC & A, LLB IInd Year, M.com appeared
Expertise : Financial Accounting, Finalisation, Export, Factory Act And Payroll, Assessment Proceedings
Certifications : Export Import Training Course, Foundation Module Leadership Course

Deepak Kamble

Store Incharge

Total Years of Experience : 9+ Years
Total Years of Experience
(In Aster) :
7 Years
Qualification : D.E.R.E.
Expertise : Soft Skills

Dr. Ashwini Abhijit Tarale

Assistant HR Manager

Total Years of Experience : 9.5 Years
Total Years of Experience
(In Aster) :
1.5 Years
Qualification : MA. (Economics), M.B.A. (H.R.M), Ph.D. (H.R.M.)
Expertise : Human Resources Management
Certifications : Chiranjeev Gurukul Leadership Course for Holistic Leadership

Madhav Chandraknat Bhalke

Production Incharge

Total Years of Experience : 17 Years
Total Years of Experience
(In Aster) :
17 Years
Qualification : HSC.
Expertise : Production Planning, Team Management, On Time Delivery Certifications : Diesel Mechanic(2 Year) & Spray Painting( 6 Months)

Ashwini Shelke

Aster Technologies

Rupali Bhosle

Aster Technologies

Deepak Kamble

Aster Technologies

Madhav Bhalke

Aster Technologies